That was never the title, but it should’ve have been.

I think I went the cowardly route and called this diptych ‘untitled drawing 1; untitled drawing 2….’. I was struggling to understand what drawing could be. Here: rough sketches, some literally scribbled on stained torn paper, next to two carefully drafted drawings on good watercolour paper.

The drawings wouldn’t exist without the robot series. The robot series wouldn’t exist without the drawings. Same ecosystem. Still trying to find a way of better acknowledging this aspect of my practice. I can only think on paper, a kind of techno crash between magical thinking and analysis. I used to say drawing was an extension of pre-verbal thought, a kind of visual representation of instinctual belly logic. Acero y hueso comiendo tierra. It’s also trying to follow a signal amid the noise of the world, except that that signal might never get heard, or trying to eavesdrop on the conversations of the material stuff that makes the world, which is a little like spitting at a windstorm, (its own kind of fun).   Real and cartoon gophers’ tilting rubber spaceships at moonlit fungi choruses. 

The drawings were shown in the Robotis Personae exhibit at Eastern Bloc in Montréal, January 2015, and then in November 2015, at Daïmôn Arts Médiatiques in Gatineau.

installation view of the drawings and plans shown in my They might be Brainless exhibition.